The is big trouble in little Amarillo. I feel helpless: there were some close calls, near misses, lack of restraint and bad behavior the past 3 months.
I tried the "extract from Amarillo" approach. I helped when no money was coming in for Bob and daughter. I call. I even considered moving them into moms room here in Dallas. Today, staying here is out of the question. Big difference in lifestyles and a "teenage" girl to boot.......
You'll have to get details from Bob.
Linda booked an April all-inclusive to Mexico, below Cancun ( look for el dorado royale) . She needs to get away, work is stressing her. This is supposed to be a deluxe trip
Send money to the Amarill motel, room #20.
They do not live in room #20 anymore. If u want two contact thim, call his cel. sorry.......
I spoke w/ Bob, he is working hard to get cash in his pocket. The harsh panhandle weather has finally calmed. (they got snow thurs or Fri of this week!!!). He is staying w/his best friend until a rental becomes available.
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